Just for a moment, we set aside all seeking. Just for a moment, we let go of teachings and teachers, books and rituals. Just for a moment, we disregard subjects, objects, interpretations, translations, beliefs, and welcome experience in its direct, indescribable completeness. Just for a moment, we slow down. Just for a moment, we see through the illusion of thought content and realize the obvious. Moment to moment to moment. Seeing, hearing, tasting, smelling, sensing, thinking.
This. Is. It.
Direct experience is the thread that keeps the intimate mantra project together. Interwoven into every practice, every word, every breath, sensory awareness is the key to outgrowing the stressful world of mental speculation and resting as the lightness of being that’s fully accessible and always knows the best response to whatever comes up in life. Explore. Deconstruct. Repeat. Know thyself.
No spirituality needed.